domestic objects

functional objects for the home are designed in quiet harmony with life. THE physical PRESENCE of products adds beauty, utility, and material richness to our daily rituals. over time and through use, the emotional bond starts to grow.

nitu vessels. portland made.

slip casting is part science and part art, especially with terracotta. working alongside a local ceramics manufacturer, cia designed the nitu vessels. whether working at the potter’s wheel or casting clay slip, cia is drawn to terracotta’s sensorial qualities.

nitu vessels

eco note: clay and fired ceramics are long-lasting but once fired, ceramics are not easily recycled in municipal waste streams. there is an industrial movement in europe to grind ceramics into “re-clay” with dirty water and reuse the material in new objects or in the construction industry as an ingredient in bricks, roofing, etc.

to make one vessel similar to nitu bowls, approximately 2kg of co2 offset is required based on available data.

home goods

cia brings extensive experience designing ideas for tabletop, dinnerware, and homewares for consumer product manufacturers — tag, copco, modulus, unitedmade, and cgw.


the tree